On November 2 we had the rare wonderful opportunity to bless both of our precious babies. It was beautiful. Gabe was blessed first then Gracey. We are grateful for everyone who was able to attend with us. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such an incredible support group!
Thank you to everyone for all of your love and support during the last few months. They have been challenging to say the least.
I don't know if you all new that shortly after the twins were born Jared learned that his partner had been stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company and had put about $200,000 in bad loans in Jared's name. We had to press charges for fraud and walk away from the company and find work immediately. Jared took a job out on the oil rigs in Wyoming to pay the bills. The job requires him to be gone for seven days at a time and then he is home for seven days. All of this at the same time as the arrival of our babies as been extremely challenging to say the least. I don't think I'm handling raising four children on my own half the time very well. the tasks is so overwhelming. Luckily most of the time I am not on my own. Heavenly Father has sent numerous Angels into my life during a time I could not need them more. I wanted to tell about some of them (in no particular order)
My incredible husband who works so hard to provide for our family and who loves me unconditional. I think you are amazing Jared and an amazing father to our FOUR children!My parents, of course, have been so supportive. They have given up most of there weekends. On the weekends that Jared is gone my mom comes and picks of Joshua and William and takes them to her place where they are spoiled rotten! There days with there grandma and grandpa are filled with trips to the park or to the movie theatre or they are busy with puzzles and story books and playing with home made play dough! The boys loved their time with their grandparents and breaks up my week and gives me a huge break and some time with just the babies.
My father also has been driving out to Lyman Wyoming to pick up Jared's grandma so that she can come and spend the week helping me with the babies while Jared is gone and at the end of the week he comes and picks her up and takes her home. This process takes about four hours and I am so grateful for his willingness to do this for me. Which brings me to Blanche, Jared's grandmother who is such a huge help! She has spent lots of time with me helping me with the babies so that I can pick up my house every once and a while and spend some time with the Joshua and William. It is so wonderful to have an extra set of hands around the house when she is there.
Jared's mother Rhonda gave me a huge jump start by spending 2 weeks at the house after the babies were born. She helped with the babies, reorganized the kitchen, cooked meals that we were able to freeze and enjoy after she was gone and she cleaned and reorganized the entire garage!
Our neighbors and incredible friends Mike and Danielle have been amazing!! It is rare that they are not around in the evenings (with or without Jared home) and we wouldn't have it any other way. The are a huge help holding babies and helping put the boys to bed. Mike is always there to help me jump start my car in the mornings (the battery dies all the time) and he is responsible for all of my blogging getting me caught up lately!! Danielle and I try and do most meals together and without that we would probably be eating cereal every night. More than anything the are regular adult interaction when the kids are in bed and we look forward to all of time with them!
Cyndi has been taking William on the Wednesdays that Jared is gone and then feeds us dinner that night! Cyndi randomly brought us dinner on several occasions after the babies were born and never takes no for an answer. She is also my daily venting outlet and I am so grateful for her friendship for the past 13 years!!
The ward has been incredible. It is rare that a day passes without a phone call from someone seeing if I need anything. Several woman come and get Will and Josh for play dates so thank you Cheri, Judith, Judy and Sarah. My visiting teachers and friends Annemarie and Chris are a treat to have around I look forward to my "adult time" with them.
My brothers and sister are incredible. Jessica comes on her time off and when her hubby is hunting and hangs out and plays with the boys and cleans my bathrooms randomly. Not a day goes by that my brother Eli and his adorable wife Gwen doesn't call and see if there is anything that I need at the store or just to see how I am doing.
And there is the constant support and love from friends and family that don't live so close I look forward to all of my phone calls and emails.
I am so blessed and cannot thank everyone enough for all that they have done for me.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! I hope that one day I will be able to return the favors to you all-I have a lot of IOU's out there!