Thursday, October 2, 2008

Us with a six year old, a three year old, two babies, two dogs and a partridge in a pear tree!!

My precious Gracey

Our Family of six!!!!!

I think the babies are still a little small for this set up-I tried it once and won't try it again for a little while. Bathing one baby at a time is manageable - two is a little nerve racking. I'd be washing Gracey while Gabe would scoot lower and lower-there are no straps to these seats

1 comment:

Jenn Tobin said...

I can't believe that you have almost caught up to us so quickly:) One more and we will be even:) And how is it you look so good right after having babies!?!?!?!? I think I am mad at you now:-)
You have such a beautiful family.
We love and miss you so much!