Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We have had a wonderful Christmas! The boys were so fun Christmas morning! This age is so fun when they are absolutely thrilled with everything. Josh woke up first at about 8:00 He had asked Santa for a Goldfish for Christmas (because I told him I would never buy him one because they stink) While he was checking out the new fish tank Jared woke up Will. William never likes to be woken up. He said he was sick and sat in my lap not knowing what to think of the situation. Although as soon as he realized we were opening the presents under the tree that he has been looking at, but not touching for weeks he perked up quickly!! "WOOOOW!!" he would say with everything he opened, wether it was his or not.

Jared's Grandmother from Lyman came and spent a few days with us during Christmas it was such a treat to have her. I'm sure she didn't know what to think after watching the boys with all their new toys that morning, we tend to get alittle carried away.

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